Eolien flottant

Rapport du GWEC 2020

Rapport du GWEC 2020

Bruxelles - Mecredi 05/08/2020 - energiesdelamer.eu - Le GWEC, association mondiale pour le lobby de l'éolien, relève de 15 GW sa prévision pour 2030, à 234 GW. Le Rapport 2020 présente les chiffres clés pour le posé et le flottant en Europe, Asie, et Amérique du...

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ScotWind Leasing: Naval Energies has joined DeepWind

ScotWind Leasing: Naval Energies has joined DeepWind

France – Scotland – Tuesday 07/07/2020 - energiesdelamer.eu. Naval Energies has just joined the DeepWind offshore wind cluster as part of its strategy to offer floating wind technology into the Scottish market for the ScotWind leasing round recently announced by the...

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