08/06/2018 – Teresa Ribera, directrice de l’Iddri, a été nommée ministre dans le nouveau gouvernement espagnol mené par Pedro Sanchez, le 6 juin. Le nouveau gouvernement a été présenté le 7 juin.
The Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI), a think tank that supports the transition towards sustainable development, has the great honour to acknowledge the appointment of Teresa Ribera, its Director, as Minister for the Ecological Transition by Pedro Sanchez, President of the Council of Ministers of Spain.
Teresa Ribera, Director of IDDRI, appointed Minister in the new Spanish Government
Teresa Ribera has been Director of IDDRI since 2014, and has enabled the Institute to play a key role in the negotiation of the Paris Climate Agreement. She served as the Spanish Secretary of State for Climate Change from 2008 to 2011, responsible for environmental and climate policies as well as the National Meteorological Agency. A public official from the Senior Corps of State Civil Administrators, she has also taught at the Autonomous University of Madrid.
Consequently, Teresa Ribera is leaving her position as Director of IDDRI. Its Executive Board, chaired by Jean Jouzel, designates Lucien Chabason as the interim Director of the Institute.
Lucien Chabason has been Senior Advisor at IDDRI since 2005. An expert on the OECD and UNEP, he is a member of the scientific councils of the Fonds Français pour l’Environnement Mondial (French Global Environment Facility) and the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation. He was coordinator of the United Nations Mediterranean Action Plan (based in Athens) from 1994 to 2003. He led the Cabinet of the French Minister of the Environment, Brice Lalonde, then prepared the French Prime Minister on environmental issues from 1976 to 1978, responsible for spatial planning issues, sites and landscapes at the Ministry of Environment (1978-1984), then director of the research department at the Ministry of Environment (1984-1988). He chaired the Plan Bleu, and founded and chaired the Association du Domaine du Rayol (Var). He studied law, sociology and political science before attending the École Nationale d’Administration (1966-1968).
Onze femmes
Onze femmes (contre 6 hommes) occupent des postes clés : vice-présidence et égalité, justice, défense, finances, éducation et formation professionnelle, travail et sécurité sociale, industrie et commerce, politique territoriale et fonction publique, transition écologique, économie et entreprises, et enfin santé et consommation. Un record en Europe où l’Espagne devance dans ce domaine les pays nordiques.
Points de repère
Les 28 et 29 juin prochains se tient à Séville, le colloque annuel PAT18 – ENERMAR présidé par Juan Moya Garcia, dont le portail energiesdelamer.eu est partenaire média.
PAT18, est le groupe de travail « Energies Renouvelables d’Origine Marine » – ENERMAR, de l’Association des Ingénieurs Navals et Océaniques d’Espagne (AINE). Le Programme où sont en bonne place les éoliennes flottantes mais aussi l’hydrolien avec SABELLA A télécharger.
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