Danemark – Lundi 10/12/2018 – energiesdelamer.eu. European Energy Group présidé par Knud Erik Andersen, a commandé un navire de transfert d’équipage (CTV) qui, une fois livré, desservira le parc éolien offshore de 21 MW de Sprogø.

Cette commande marque l’entrée de la société sur le marché de la propriété et de l’exploitation des navires.



Le CTV sera construit par Valling Ship Solution. European Energy n’a pas communiqué de plus amples détails sur le navire ou la livraison attendue. 

En mars dernier, European Energy a fait son entrée dans le secteur de l’éolien offshore grâce à l’acquisition du parc éolien de Sprogø, situé dans le détroit du Grand Belt entre les îles Zealand et Funen. Le parc éolien comprend sept éoliennes V90-3MW Vestas d’une puissance équivalente à 16 000 ménages par an.


Le parc éolien est entré en production à la fin de 2009. Il produit environ 66 millions de kWh par an.



Points de repère


March 15, 2018 – The European Energy Group has acquired the Sprogø Windpark with a total capacity of 21 MW.

European Energy Group has taken an important step into the offshore wind market through the acquisition of Sprogø Windpark. The wind farm was acquired from A/S Storebælt.

Knud Erik Andersen, CEO of European Energy, said:

“This is an important step into offshore wind for European Energy. The wind farm is an attractive asset and it will furthermore provide insights into the operation and maintenance of an offshore wind farm.”

“We believe that offshore wind has a place in the future energy mix, alongside onshore wind and solar energy. With the acquisition of Sprogø Windpark we have all three elements in our portfolio.”

The Sprogø Windpark is located in the Great Belt strait between the islands of Zealand and Funen in Denmark. It consist of seven 3 MW wind turbines, which produce power equivalent to 16.000 households per year. A/S Storebælt has kept a high level of operation and maintenance, ensuring an availability at almost 98%.

“European Energy will take over a very well run wind farm. It will provide them with a stable and high production of green electricity for their business. Sprogø Windpark is unique as it is located just north of the bridge between Zealand and Funen, and the farm serves as display for Danish offshore wind.”

“Sund & Bælt will continue to purchase green electricity for the operation of our own infrastructure facilities,” said Mikkel Hemmingsen, CEO of Sund & Bælt.  

The wind farm is the most recognized offshore wind farm in Denmark, as it can be seen from the bridge connecting Zealand and Funen. Approximately 25 million people pass the farm every year.

“We are proud to be the new owner of the offshore wind farm that gives most Danes a peek into offshore wind,” said Knud Erik Andersen.

The sale is expected to be completed by 1 June 2018, pending the necessary approvals by the authorities.

Copenhagen-based European Energy develops and constructs wind and solar farms as well as large scale energy storage. The company is currently developing and constructing projects across Europe and the Americas. European Energy has installed and invested in almost one GW wind and solar farms in 11 countries. 



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