Swedbandworld bank


Suède – Stockholm – Mardi 04/09/2018 – energiesdelamer.eu. The World Bank has issued 1 billion in green bonds to finance water treatment projects and projects to conserve the marine environment. Swedbank Robur has acted as key investor and acquired 550 MSEK in the issue.

 Swedbank Robur Fonder AB détient notamment 2,91% du capital de Vestas.


The 17 sustainability goals in the UN Agenda 2030 are important starting points in Swedbank Robur’s pursuit of contributing to a long-term sustainable world. For example, Swedbank Robur has launched a new equity fund, Swedbank Robur Global Impact, which only invests in companies that contribute to achieving the UN’s sustainability goals in various ways.

With this investment, Swedbank Robur is taking a concrete step forward in supporting the World Bank’s efforts to ensure access to clean water and sanitation (sustainability target #6), and the preservation of our marine resources (sustainability target #14).

Thomas Back EDM 04 09 018


« At Swedbank Robur, we are convinced that long-term sustainability is strongly connected with long-term profitability for our investors. Therefore we see this key investment in the World Bank´s green bonds to finance UN’s sustainability goals, as a great opportunity both for us, our customers and the society in a whole. By making this key investment, we are actively contributing to the work to fulfil the goals of securing access to clean water for a larger part of the world’s population, as well as working towards a more sustainable use of our marine resources, » says Thomas Bäck, Fund Manager, Swedbank Robur.

With the above investment in the World Bank´s green bonds, Swedbank Robur in total now owns approximately 7 BSEK in green bonds.


Points de repère

 Swedbank Robur is a wholly owned subsidiary to Swedbank and active in Swedbank´s four home markets. Swedbank Robur was founded in 1967 and offers more than 80 mutual funds, institutional and discretionary asset management and management of pension funds. The number of customers is 3 million in Sweden and 1 million in the Baltic countries. Assets under management are approximately SEK 1 175 billion, of which approximately SEK 800 billion in mutual funds.




C’est l’occasion de vous rappeler que c‘est aussi la rentrée pour le Tour de France des ODD ! 

Le Comité 21 vous donne rendez-vous les 20 et 27 septembre prochains en région Grand-Est pour l’Agenda 2030 et les Objectifs de Développement Durable dans trois villes Epernay, Metz et Strasbourg. Venez découvrir les ODD, partager autour de leur mise en oeuvre en France et dans les territoires, imaginer de nouveaux partenariats. Pour s’inscrire sur le site du Comité 21

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